AUGUST 15, 2014
Stupid Adult World! Happy Friday everyone! Here it is, the grand premiere of our new song and music video taken from the upcoming debut album. Listen to the song, watch the video and share with your friends! Stupid Adult World!
Toxico music video! Aaaalrite Honeys and Hellraisers! Here it is, the grand premiere of our new song and first music video, TOXICO. Like & share so everyone gets a load of this!
Pick Your Poison preorder Our new Pick Your Poison EP will be released on November 9th and you can preorder it now from Levykauppa Äx by clicking the cover photo below! The record includes 7 tracks as listed: 1. Bottoms Up
2. Hey Honey
3. Toxico
4. Days Of Thunder
5. Tomahtoes
6. Turn Off The City Lights
7. Nothing But, Nothing But Right (feat. Stala & Sami J.) (bonus track)
Midsummer reminiscing Our motley crew of hardcore honeys & hellraisers once again made the traditional Midsummer trip to Stockholm, Sweden and of course we took the good old photo at Sergel's Square this year too! Here's all the previous ones and the latest, check 'em out! Thanks to Maj-Lis & Susanna for shooting the pics!
Radio RockStarba 3 Hey Hanit! Vaihtuvan vuoden kunniaksi Hannareiden uusi versio Hey Honey -biisistä on kuultavissa Radio RockStarba -kilpailussa, jossa tietysti tarvitsemme teidän kaikkien apuanne! Avaapa siis oheinen linkki, kuuntele kappale, klikkaa "Rekisteröidy ja äänestä" (onnistuu äärimmäisen helposti ja nopeasti mm. Facebook-tunnuksillasi), fiilistele meille miljoona tähteä ja kommentoi, sekä jaa eteenpäin ja vaikka pakota kaikki kaverisikin kannustusjoukkoihin! Ou jee ;) Hey Honeys! Celebrating the New Year, our new version of the song Hey Honey is in Radio RockStarba -competition and we need all the help from our fans and friends! So open the link and after the Hitlantis map loads (you can change the language by clicking "Suomi" on the lower left corner of the page) listen to our song, then register (you can do it easily with your Facebook account), give us a nice amount of stars, leave a comment and share to all your friends! Thank you & see you in 2012! ;)
Loads of live videos from On The Rocks We had two awesome shows last week at On The Rocks, Helsinki and Ravintola Rautaruukki, Karkkila. Huge thanks for everyone who showed up. We found five whole fan-filmed songs uploaded to YouTube from the On The Rocks' gig. You can watch them embedded below or click the song titles to go to their YouTube pages. Included are Mau Mau, Tomahtoes, Rollin' Paper, Mega Man and Homewrecker. Big thanks to Sara, Mia and Hiromi for sharing the clips! You rock!
Upcoming gigs & single review! We've got a couple of gigs planned for September, once again with our dear friends and partners in crime, Stala & SO. The first will be at On The Rocks, Helsinki on Wednesday September 14th and the next one at Ravintola Rautaruukki, Karkkila the following Saturday, Sept. 17th. At Karkkila, the line-up will be completed by even more of our dear friends, Apezone. Here's a promotional poster for that gig, enjoy! reviewed our Nothing But, Nothing But Right -single with awesome score and words. Here's the review, only in Finnish, sorry folks :(
Honey Hellraiser jatkaa alkuvuodesta ilmestyneen ep:nsä linjoilla sinkulla, jonka ensitahdeista huomaa heti, että kesähitti on haussa. Ja mikäpä siinä, paljon huonommistakin lauluista on viime vuosina tässä maassa sellaisia tullut.
Rehvakan esityksen kruununa on melko tarttuva kertosäe ja kunnon hoilauskuoro. Kuoropoikina ovat olleet avustamassa Stala & So:n Sami J. ja Sampsa Astala, joista jälkimmäinen on sinkun tuottanutkin. Kuten sanottu, biisi on ihan onnistunut. Jos se ei olisi hyvä, voisi sen kuvitella olevan vaikka Hybrid Childrenin tuotantoa.
Vielä hieman villimpänä esityksenä se menisi paremmin läpi jo liiankin monet kesähitit nähneelle arvostelijalle, mutta eipä tästä paljoa enää tarvitse skarpata, kun aletaan jo olla asian ytimessä. Hyvää bilerockia Honey Hellraiser puskee edelleen, toivottavasti pian saamme nähdä, miten hyvin eväät riittävät pitkäsoittoon.
19.08.2011, Ismo Karo
Remember that you can buy the track on iTunes and stream it free on places like Spotify and YouTube. Have fun!
New single out now! Our new summer song Nothing But, Nothing But Right (featuring Stala and Sami J. from Stala & SO.) is out now on some digital music stores for download and streaming. The song will be available later on iTunes plus many others, but for now you can do your shopping and listening here: Finland: downloads Nokia Ovi Musiikki CDON.COM On Demand International:
Spotify MP3 MP3 And yes, of course, we have a brand new video blog episode for you to view! Check out some hilarious stuff from the studio sessions embedded below, or go straight to the video's YouTube page!
Nothing But, Nothing But Right Honey Hellraiserin uusi, kesän 2011 hittibiisi Nothing But, Nothing But Right -promosinkku on nyt toimitettu Suomen radioasemille! Kappaleella vierailevat Stala & SO. -yhtyeen nokkamies Stala, sekä kitaristi Sami J. Stala on myös äänittänyt ja tuottanut kappaleen ja se julkaistaan digitaalisena singlenä keskiviikkona 29. kesäkuuta, mutta jos, ja etenkin kun, haluat kuulla biisin ennakkoon, ole pikaisesti ja päivittäin yhteydessä lähimpään, tai vielä parempi - joka ikiseen valtakunnalliseen ja paikalliseen radioasemaan ja toivo biisiä soitettavan aseman ohjelmistossa! Nyt street team toimimaan ja pommitetaan Hannarit kerrankin radioon asti, älkääkä unohtako levittää sanaa ja tätä sivua eteenpäin sosiaalisissa medioissa! Ohessa linkkejä muutamien eri radioasemien biisitoive- ja yhteystietosivuille:
Radio Rock
The Voice
Radio Aalto
Radio Nova
Radio Helsinki
Radio SuomiPOP
Radio 957
Radio Mega
Radio Sata
Metro FM (Radio Rockin musiikkipäällikkö) (Toivetunnin juontaja, perustelut plussaa)
Videos and stuff YouTube user SuperDooris has uploaded two live videos from the gig we played at Main Street, Riihimäki back in January. The songs are two all-time fan favorites Mega Man and Homewrecker. There's some cool weirdoes going apeshit during the songs (greetings to Emppu!), so be sure to check out the videos embedded below :) A couple of weeks ago we once again visited So Music Finland studios and we laid down the basic tracks for our upcoming summer hit song. The track's now in post production so expect to hear more news shortly! Also, we added a couple of cool photos from last Saturday's Terock-gig to Live shit 2011 album on our Facebook page. So join our ever-expanding Hardcore Honeys & Hellraisers -community and view the photos here.
Upcoming gigs & album review We've got a couple of upcoming gigs for this spring and summer. First will be Terock 2011 at Pub Pilvenhattara, Karkkila on May 7th and the other one will be this great outdoor summer festival, we've played twice in previous years, called Sunset Beach Party. Find more info about Terock on it's Facebook event page and about SBP on their website. Also, reviewed our All Night Tonight -EP and gave it pretty good and supporting words. The review is only in Finnish, but here it is anyways:
Ihan lupaavan debyytti-ep:n paiskaa tiskiin Honey Hellraiser. Bändi soittaa asenteella peruskamaa ja lähin vertailukohta voisi olla Michael Monroe. Mitään uutta All Night Tonight ei sisällä, mutta biisit ovat riittävän hyviä, joten se ei tällä kertaa haittaa.
Asialliset riffit ja toimivat laulumelodiat herättävät ensimmäisenä huomioni. Sävellyksiin on siroteltu sopivasti koukkuja ja hyvällä onnistumisprosentilla estämään sinänsä simppelien sävelkulkujen aiheuttamaa puudutusta. Vahinko, ettei parin ensimmäisen ja viimeisen kappaleen intensiteetti ole yltänyt kaikkiin biiseihin. Näistä parhaistakin kiitettävän saa ainoastaan Rollin' Paper. Se erottuu turhan paljon joukosta, edukseen toki. Muutama senkaltainen lisää, niin kyllä kelpaa Honey Hellraiserin lähteä pitkäsoiton tekoon!
Pitkäsoittoa voikin odottaa kohtuullisella mielenkiinnolla, sillä sen verran hyvin on pienistä puutteista huolimatta Honey Hellraiserissa keksitty ruutia uudelleen. Punkahtavan bilerockin ystäville niin sanotusti "varma nakki" ja toiminee keikalla vieläkin paremmin.
07.04.2011, Ismo Karo
There's gonna be a very exciting and interesting announcement from us in near future, so keep checking our Facebook and Twitter profiles to get the latest news first!
Mega Man... On The Rocks! Well, hello there once again! We had sooooo much fun last Friday at On The Rocks, Helsinki. The gig went great and the crowd was just amazing. And it was really a treat to meet and chat with you after the show. So thank you once more! And for those who couldn't be there, here's a fan-filmed live video of Mega Man by Sara for you to view. Watch it embedded below, or go straight to the YouTube page. So a big special thanks for her and her camera! Our little so-called tour with Stala & SO. continues Thursday, February 17th at Jack The Rooster, Tampere. Don't miss that one!
Links and likes We had so much fun on last weekend's gigs in Vantaa, Riihimäki and Karkkila! A huge thank you to everyone who showed up! Here's a few links for you to view about the gigs. Pekka put lots of cool photos up at his website and Hiromi wrote a blog entry about the Rautaruukki gig. It's in Japanese, but there's also some nice photos. Go check that out here. Our local newspaper wrote a story about us a while ago. That one's in Finnish. Read the article here. Youtube user hotback has posted Homewrecker from the Karkkila gig. Watch that embedded below or at YouTube. We've got also a few shows for the spring and summer planned but more on those when something's fully confirmed! Alrite, that's it for now. And remember to come see us, Santa Cruz and Stala & SO. next Friday at On The Rocks, Helsinki. That's gonna be one hell of a night!
New video blog: Making of All Night Tonight We've got a brand new video blog episode for you guys once again! This time it's about recording our brand new EP All Night Tonight at So Music Finland studios over two weekends in last year's September and October. Check the video embedded below or go straight to video's YouTube page at
New year, new CD, new gigs, new website, new everything Hello there dudes & dudettes! We bid you welcome to the brand new digital headquarters of Southern-Finland based, motorheaded, action-packed, good time rock 'n' roll three-piece Honey Hellraiser! First of all, the new CD All Night Tonight is ready and out now, so click here to visit our webshop to order your copy while they're hot. And any day now, we'll be getting also the brand new Honey Hellraiser T-shirts you've been asking for a lot. So keep checking back so you'll know right away when they're in stock. We've got a bunch of upcoming gigs confirmed. The first one will be at Ravintola Pormestari in Tikkurila, Vantaa. After that we'll be playing a mini-tour with Finland's Eurovision candidates Stala & SO. in Riihimäki, Karkkila and Helsinki. The Karkkila gig will be our record release party, so that's gonna be a night to remember. Check all the upcoming dates on the right hand side and click the Facebook-event links to join the crowd. And speaking of that, if you haven't already, join our ever-expanding fan-communities in different kinds of social networks to get all the news and more special information right away. You'll find the links in the top right corner of this page. And remember to share and tell your friends and everyone so we'll get the word out. We need help from all of you, so keep doing what you've done so well for us! And before you decide to surf on, remember to leave a note or just a simple short hello to the kind-of-an oldschool-style ShoutBox on the right! See you soon!